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This policy outlines the reasonable use of the wireless services provided by our company. The goal is to ensure fair usage for all customers and prevent misuse of the services. Our original policy allowed uncapped data speeds, however that policy has ended and replaced with the (this) RUP Policy.


Definition of Reasonable Usage

Reasonable usage is defined as using the services in a manner that is consistent with typical personal or business usage patterns and does not harm the network or other customers.


Prohibited Activities


The following activities are prohibited and may result in termination of service:


  • Unlawful or fraudulent activities

  • Sharing the service with unauthorized users

  • Excessive and continuous data usage that impairs network performance

  • Using the service for commercial purposes without proper authorization

  • Spamming or sending mass messages

  • Engaging in activities that interfere with the network or other customers

  • Using Hotspot/Tethering to replace home/corporate internet

  • Cryptocurrency Mining (Bitcoin)


Data Usage Limitations:

To ensure reasonable usage, customers may be subject to data usage limitations. Customers who exceed their data usage limits may be subject to additional charge, reduced speeds or interrupted services that can result in removal from the Tesix Wireless Network. All plans will now feature a capped of 20GB of Data in a 30 day billing cycle at 4G/5G speed and reduced to 2G speeds until the start of your new billing period.


Network Management:

Our company reserves the right to manage its network to ensure reasonable usage and to prevent network congestion. This may include prioritizing certain types of traffic or slowing down the speed of heavy data users during peak hours.


Monitoring and Enforcement:

Our company may monitor usage patterns to enforce this policy and prevent misuse of the services. We reserve the right to interrupt services that are not in compliance with the terms of this RUP Policy.


Changes to the Policy:

Our company reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. Customers will be notified of any changes to the policy or their data plans. Using our services is agreeing to this policy and its terms.

If congested, customers may notice reduced speeds vs Carrier postpaid customers that may be further reduced for a small number of customers who use >40GB.

To get 4G LTE speed, you must have a 4G LTE capable device and 4G LTE SIM. Actual availability, coverage and speed may vary. LTE is a trademark of ETSI.
5G: Compatible 5G-Capable device and SIM required. Actual availability, coverage and speed may vary. 5G Network not available in all areas.


eSIM are not available on all mobile devices and a physical SIM card may be required for your device.​​

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